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Zeng Natural Healing

147 Main Street

Nanuet, NY 10954


Free Parking: 

On the street or parking lot located at the rear of the building



Tuesday- Thursday: 10am - 7pm

Saturday: 8:30am - 2pm



By Appointment Only


Services offered daily

By Appointment Only


What Will My First Visit Be Like?

The Center


Zeng Natural Healing Center offers clients a peaceful sanctuary apart from the commotion and hurry of daily life.  A calm heart and a relaxed body can reinforce the positive effects of TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine. Both the location and The Center itself are designed to support and encourage serenity.  The address, across from the Nanuet Hotel and bordering the Nanuet Mall, is simple to locate and parking either street side or in the rear of the building is easy and convenient. Inside, the serene and uplifting atmosphere separates the mind and body from the pressures and daily stresses of the world outside.     

Initial Consultation and First TCM Session


The first visit begins with a consultation. This is where you have a chance to describe past health events, explain current health issues you'd like to address, and to mention any medications or vitamins you are taking.  Be thorough, as details help your health professional gain a clearer perspective in order to help you.


Along with the information you supply, your TCM professional will ask questions, gather visual information as well as perform pulse, tongue, and palpation evaluations to further confirm an issue's nature or source. After gathering this information, your practitioner plans a customized TCM treatment and may also offer you tips on diet or nutrition that will assist your body in relieving or healing health issues.     


The initial consultation is followed by a customized treatment session.  Occasionally acupuncture or another TCM therapy may be used for treatment.  However, most commonly it's a combination of techniques that best targets an individual's unique health concerns.

Natural Healing


Your body is a naturally self-healing mechanism. When in balance, with all systems functioning, your body is very good at fending off sickness, getting rid of toxins, and rebuilding or repairing damage. However, in the same way a roofer needs nails, shingles, and time, to repair a damaged roof, your body also needs proper materials and time to repair and rebuild, too. Proper materials mean: vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc. and as the human body repairs itself largely during sleep, adequate repair time means adequate restful sleep.   


Modern lifestyles are not set up to support a balanced mind or body, but to unbalance them.... with poor diets, insufficient rest, extra body weight, caffeine, smoking, alcohol, junk food, and living in an endless state of stress. The body's healing and maintenance systems get: overloaded with too many toxins, clogged with unhealthy "food," denied adequate nutrients to repair damage, insufficient sleep to finish repairs, and all the while forced with caffeine or other stimulants to keep going despite mounting damage caused by continual unaddressed overload. Is it any wonder our bodies have trouble repairing, rebuilding, or healing themselves with today's lifestyles?   


Your TCM practitioner is rigorously trained to recognize and locate energy blockages, stagnation, or overloads in your body's systems, and to assist in opening what's blocked, dispelling what is stagnant, or drawing energy to where it is lacking.  In other words, TCM helps a body's systems that have been unbalanced to rebalance so they can go back to doing what they were meant to do - heal, repair, and maintain health.

What to Expect After your First Treatment Session


Occasionally a single session may be enough to resolve a health issue.  However, in most cases, to receive and maintain the full benefits of TCM, multiple or regular visits are usually needed to help the body heal itself, especially while compensating for an unbalanced lifestyle. Besides any improvements in the health issue being addressed, clients often notice other positive changes after TCM sessions as well. 


Some of the more common positive effects clients might notice after one or a few sessions include: a gradual increase in their energy level, sleep quality, regularity, ability to feel emotions, the sensitivity of their 5 senses, and a lower stress level as TCM helps the body's systems regain balance. These benefits are signs the techniques are beginning to work and the body's systems are coming back online.  


Considering all the benefits that may be obtained without the use of pain killers, prescriptions, or invasive techniques, there really are surprisingly few unpleasant effects arising from TCM. And those few that do are mild and temporary. For example, there may be trigger point pain or discomfort during acupressure when long blocked tension is finally released, or tiny bruising, minor soreness, or muscle twitches during acupuncture, or redness from cupping and gua sha. Occasionally from TCM treatments, there have been reports of temporary fatigue, lightheadedness, or unexpected emotional release. As channels are reopened, stagnation is dissipated, and the body is encouraged and supported to once more begin healing itself, other as yet undealt with health issues may become noticed as the more obvious ones begin healing.


You may notice in between visits your body needs extra sleep, more nutritious food, and a little extra patience while it readjusts to doing healing work again. Remember....  You would not ask your roofer to fix your roof without the time or materials, so try to give your body the nutritious building materials and the adequate sleep time it requires to make repairs. 

Things to Remember before coming for a TCM Session


Although, nothing is mandatory, there are several simple things to remember before a TCM session.


Try to avoid both caffeine and alcohol. Likewise guard against overly strenuous physical or mental workouts before a TCM session. Planning to eat a small meal including protein, fat, carbs, and vegetables about 2hrs before your visit will help you feel neither too full nor too hungry during treatment. Loose, comfortable clothing is very important. For first visits, try to remember all medications/vitamins/birth control, past serious health events, and any other health related info so you are prepared to tell your TCM practitioner about both past and present health issues.  If possible, leave your cell off so your session remains serene and uninterrupted.

Make the Most of Your Session


A calm and relaxed state of mind can further help your body get the most from your TCM session. Try to leave early enough so that it isn't necessary to rush and raise adrenaline. Take a deep breath before you enter your car and remind yourself of the easy location and stress free parking. Sit comfortably, drive calmly, and avoid anxiousness. The stairs physically lead you up, away, and apart from the busy frenetic world outside. As the glass doors glide closed behind you, consciously leave the days pressures outside on the street. Upon entering The Center, let the peaceful sounds and the gently uplifting colors and decor guide your mind and body to a quiet restful stillness. Aim to maintain this peaceful state during your entire TCM session. Your life makes a lot of demands on your mind and body. Try to dedicate your time at The Center exclusively to the quiet and stillness that best supports the natural care and healing of the very same precious mind and body that supports and cares for your life every day.



"My name is Mark S. and I am 67 years old and a retired attorney.  I have suffered from chronic back pain for 30 years due to various spinal/disc issues.  I have been going to Zeng Natural Healing for the last several months and have been very impressed by the thorough preliminary exam, the constellation of Chinese medical practices employed, and most importantly, the significant pain relief I have enjoyed since beginning treatments.  As a bonus, I notice my energy levels are higher.  I have been recommending Zeng to all my friends."


Mark S., Retired Attorney

Rockland County, NY

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